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· 12 min read

Introduction: In modern mobile application development, data visualization is a crucial part. Chart libraries play a key role in React Native applications, helping developers present and analyze data visually. There are many excellent chart libraries available in the React Native ecosystem. In this article, we will compare three popular chart libraries in the React Native community. Let's begin this comparative journey to delve into the differences between React Native ECharts, Victory Native, and React Native Chart Kit.

Chart Library Introduction

  • React Native Chart Kit

    React Native Chart Kit was developed in 2018, it has been 5 years since its inception. With a cumulative download count of 2,840,757, it has garnered 2.5k+ stars on GitHub. It has become a highly popular library in the React Native community.

  • Victory Native

    Victory Native is a chart library that was developed in 2015. It has been 7 years since its inception. With a high cumulative download count of 7,434,044, it has garnered an impressive 10.3k+ stars on GitHub. It is the longest-standing and most widely used chart library in the history of React Native.

  • React Native ECharts

    React Native ECharts is a newly released chart library this year. It currently has 2,565 downloads and has received 363 stars on GitHub. As a rising star among React Native chart libraries, it holds great potential. With time, it is believed that React Native ECharts will become one of the most popular chart libraries.

    Here is the comparison table for the basic data:

    React Native Chart KitVictory NativeReact Native ECharts
    Creation Date201820152023
    Unpacked Size399kB78.4kB169kB
    Github star2.5k+10.3k+363
    Last publisha year agoa month agoa month ago

Comparison of Basic Principles

  • React Native Chart Kit The main approach is to utilize React Native's native view components to create the basic structure and layout of the charts, such as View, Text, etc. Additionally, libraries like react-native-svg and paths-js are used for rendering the charts with vector graphics.

  • Victory Native also relies on React Native's native views combined with SVG for rendering. It also draws inspiration from D3 (Data-Driven Documents) by mapping data to chart elements and using scales to transform data values and positions.

  • React Native ECharts fetches the SVG graphic data of ECharts charts and rewrites the SVGPainter of ECharts. By utilizing the existing chart data of ECharts, it renders the charts on the React Native side using either react-native-svg or react-native-skia.

Code Writing Comparison

Let's take the commonly used area chart as an example. Now, let's see how they are implemented using the following code snippets:

  • React Native Chart Kit
import { LineChart } from"react-native-chart-kit";
import { StyleSheet, View, Text } from 'react-native';
const chartConfig = {
backgroundGradientFrom: "#fff",
backgroundGradientFromOpacity: 0,
backgroundGradientTo: "#fff",
backgroundGradientToOpacity: 0.5,
color: (opacity = 1) => `rgba(14, 17, 22, ${opacity})`,
strokeWidth: 2, // optional, default 3
barPercentage: 0.5,
useShadowColorFromDataset: false // optional
export const LineChart1 = props => {
const data = {
labels: ['Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Sun'],
// labels:,
datasets: [
data: [150, 230, 224, 218, 135, 147, 260],
// color: (opacity = 1) => `rgba(134, 65, 244, ${opacity})`, // optional
strokeWidth: 2 // optional
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
<Text>React Native Chart Kit</Text>


  • Victory Native
import { StyleSheet, View, Text } from "react-native";
import {
} from "victory-native";

export const LineChart2 = props => {
const data = [
{ x: 'Mon', y: 150 },
{ x: 'Tue', y: 230 },
{ x: 'Wed', y: 224 },
{ x: 'Thu', y: 218 },
{ x: 'Fri', y: 135 },
{ x: 'Sat', y: 147 },
{ x: 'sun', y: 260 },
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
<Text style={styles.title}>Victory Native</Text>
style={{ data: { fill: "rgba(230, 231, 231,0.8)" } }}
duration: 2000,
onLoad: { duration: 1000 },
style={{ data: { stroke: "#d6d6d7", strokeWidth: 2 } }}
style={{ data: { fill: "#24262a" } }}

  • React Native ECharts
import { StyleSheet, Text, View } from 'react-native';
import { useRef, useEffect } from 'react';
import * as echarts from 'echarts/core';
import { LineChart } from 'echarts/charts';
import { GridComponent } from 'echarts/components';
import { SVGRenderer, SkiaChart } from '@wuba/react-native-echarts';
echarts.use([SVGRenderer, LineChart, GridComponent]);
export const LineCharts = props => {
const skiaRef = useRef(null);
useEffect(() => {
const option = {
xAxis: {
type: 'category',
data: ['Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Sun'],
splitLine: {
show: true,
lineStyle: {
type: 'dashed',
yAxis: {
type: 'value',
min: 'dataMin',
splitLine: {
show: true,
lineStyle: {
type: 'dashed',
series: [
data: [150, 230, 224, 218, 135, 147, 260],
type: 'line',
areaStyle: {
color: 'rgba(230, 231, 231,0.8)'
lineStyle: {
color: '#d6d6d7'
symbol: 'circle',
symbolSize: 8,
itemStyle: {
color: '#24262a',
let chart;
if (skiaRef.current) {
chart = echarts.init(skiaRef.current, 'light', {
renderer: 'svg',
width: 400,
height: 300,
return () => chart?.dispose();
}, []);
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
<Text style={styles.title}>React Native ECharts</Text>
<SkiaChart ref={skiaRef} />

The effect is displayed as follows:

From a code-writing perspective, Victory Native is data-driven, so you typically pass in data and configure related styles through props. Most importantly, it acts more like a set of tools that you can DIY. You can use various components exposed by Victory to customize the charts according to your needs. For example, if you want to add a line and data points to the area chart, you would need to additionally include VictoryLine and VictoryScatter components.

React Native Echarts and React Native Chart Kit are similar in usage. Both libraries centralize data and styles within the configuration options. They are more like fully featured tools that allow you to transform the charts by modifying the configurations. Comparatively, the configuration code for React Native Chart Kit is simpler, but it may lack some advanced customization options. For example, enabling animation or setting a specific starting value for the y-axis might not be achievable.

In terms of writing code, I prefer the configuration-based approach. It is straightforward, easy to grasp, and can improve development efficiency for developers.

Development Experience

Comparison of Rendering Performance

When it comes to regular charts such as area, bar, and pie charts, all three libraries perform well with small datasets, providing smooth rendering. However, as the data size reaches the order of thousands, noticeable performance differences become apparent. Victory Native and React Native Chart Kit experience significant lags and, in the case of larger datasets, Victory may even crash. On the other hand, React Native ECharts benefits from ECharts' default data sampling mechanism, which reduces the number of data points when rendering large amounts of data. This helps avoid overcrowding the chart and performance degradation. ECharts automatically sample a relatively small number of data points based on the width of the plotting area and the number of data points, reducing computational and rendering time. Leveraging this mechanism, React Native ECharts demonstrates significantly better rendering performance when dealing with large datasets.

Here is an example of rendering an area chart using randomly generated 200 data points:

As we can see, React Native ECharts still maintain relatively good rendering performance. On the other hand, adjustments to data and coordinates are required when using the other two libraries to meet specific business requirements.

When we increase the test data to 2000 points, React Native Chart Kit exhibits noticeable rendering lag, while Victory Native throws an error stating Maximum call stack size is exceeded. Meanwhile, React Native ECharts, benefiting from data sampling, still deliver satisfactory rendering results:

Comparison of Chart Variety

  • React Native Chart Kit Currently, React Native Chart Kit supports a relatively limited number of chart types. It mainly covers six specific types of charts, which can fulfill most basic business requirements. However, if there is a need for other types of charts, additional libraries may need to be introduced.

    The following image shows most of the chart types that React Native Chart Kit can cover, and it can be seen that the variety is relatively limited. 😭 Currently, the developers are continuously maintaining the library and may add more chart types in the future.

(Image source:
  • Victory Native When it comes to chart variety, Victory Native offers a greater range compared to React Native Chart Kit. However, due to the nature of Victory's approach, which involves assembling components to create different types of charts, developers need to have a good understanding of component composition and possess solid coding skills. Additionally, the examples provided on the official Victory website may not be beginner-friendly, as the supported chart instances may not be immediately intuitive. Overall, using Victory Native requires a higher level of coding proficiency and logical thinking.

    The following image showcases the main components provided by Victory on their official website. It can be observed that there are significantly more options available compared to React Native Chart Kit. Moreover, Victory Native primarily relies on combining these components, such as points, lines, areas, and axes, to create various types of charts. This allows for a broader range of supported chart types.

    (Image source:
  • React Native ECharts You can directly refer to the examples on the ECharts official website, where various types of charts are showcased in a highly intuitive manner. Developers can use the configuration options to customize the charts according to their needs. Currently, React Native ECharts supports rendering most of the chart types that ECharts offers.

    React Native ECharts utilizes the SVG data from ECharts, which means users can render a wide range of different chart types by simply following the examples provided on the ECharts website and configuring their settings😍

    (Image source:

    The following image showcases some chart types that cannot be easily implemented or require complex combinations using other libraries. However, with React Native ECharts, you can effortlessly achieve these charts by referring to the documentation🚀

Comparison of Guide

Getting started with React Native Chart Kit primarily involves using the documentation and configuration options provided by the library's authors, which can be found on GitHub or npm. By referring to these resources, developers can easily implement chart rendering in their projects.

On the other hand, Victory Native has its website, where developers can assemble charts by referring to the provided components and related code in the documentation. However, the website offers a large number of components and elements, making it difficult for developers to quickly find the desired examples. Implementing complex charts often requires developers to think of their implementation methods, which can lower development efficiency.

Compared to Victory Native and React Native Chart Kit, React Native ECharts has several advantages:

  • Documents

    The description provided in the official documentation of Victory Native is more clear, comprehensive, and provides ready-to-use examples. Developers can easily understand the library's features, configurations, and usage through the documentation. Additionally, there are numerous usage examples available on the official ECharts website, which further assists developers in quickly implementing various types of charts.

  • Online Preview

    Just like the ECharts library, React Native ECharts provides an online preview and testing support. You can directly copy the chart configuration to see how it renders in React Native. Click here for an online preview

  • Multiterminal code

    React Native ECharts also support component reuse on the web, enabling cross-platform requirements and achieving code sharing across multiple platforms. It effortlessly achieves code uniformity and ensures consistency of charts across different platforms, thus enhancing our development efficiency.

  • Support for two rendering modes

    React Native ECharts supports two rendering modes: Svg and Skia. It is implemented based on react-native-svg and react-native-skia. react-native-skia utilizes the Skia Graphics Library, which is a high-performance graphics rendering engine that provides faster drawing and rendering speeds. It is a boon for developers who want to experience Skia's capabilities.


Finally, let's compare the performance of these three chart libraries from the following perspectives:

React Native Chart KitVictory NativeReact Native ECharts
Basic Chart Suitability
Chart Variety
Rendering for Large Data
Ease of Development
Multiterminal code

It is undeniable that both Victory Native and React Native Chart Kit are excellent chart libraries for React Native. However, the newly introduced React Native ECharts has certain advantages in terms of applicability and ease of entry. Especially in some relatively complex but common charts, such as path charts, radar charts, and candlestick charts, React Native ECharts provides examples that allow developers to easily implement them by simply modifying the data in the example code. In these scenarios, React Native ECharts is highly recommended as it greatly improves development efficiency. Additionally, for projects with a high demand for various types of charts, the rich collection of chart examples provided by React Native ECharts makes it easier for us to handle diverse chart requirements😁

· 6 min read

We are excited to release a stable version of React Native ECharts 1.1. In the new version, we have added support for the react-native-gesture-handler gesture solution, among other enhancements. Read on to learn more!

@wuba/react-native-echarts, An awesome charting library for React Native, built upon Apache ECharts and leveraging react-native-svg and react-native-skia. Offers significantly better performance compared to WebView-based solutions. If you want to learn more about the project's design principles, you can click here.

To provide a more intuitive and accurate understanding of the project's features, we have decided to officially rename the initial version wrn-echarts to @wuba/react-native-echarts. In the new version.

The project source code is available at


Rich Chart Types Supported

@wuba/react-native-echart is a solution that brings the ECharts charting library into React Native applications. It utilizes the rendering capabilities of React Native's native components, resulting in a significant improvement in rendering speed. It supports a wide range of commonly used chart types, including line charts, area charts, bar charts, and scatter plots, as well as more complex charts such as candlestick charts and heat maps. It can fulfill various visualization requirements in different scenarios.

Here are some examples of common chart types:

In addition to the usual chart types, @wuba/react-native-echart supports a variety of other graphs, such as tree, heat and K-line charts, with excellent rendering performance.

In addition, we provide comprehensive support for various dynamic charts, and here are some examples. Chart 1 and Chart 2 demonstrate the dynamic changes in per capita income across multiple countries. Chart 1 presents the growth trend of per capita income over the past 70 years, while Chart 2 showcases the dynamic sorting of per capita income for 10 countries in the year 1982. Chart 3 displays a continuously updated speedometer that adapts to changing values over time, and Chart 4 demonstrates a dynamic node addition chart. These charts can dynamically re-render based on evolving data. Regardless of the data update frequency, they consistently deliver outstanding rendering performance.

@wuba/react-native-echart supports a wide range of chart types, but they are too numerous to display here. If you want to explore more comprehensive chart types, you can visit the taro-playground repository to check them out. There, you will find example demos showcasing various ECharts chart types.

Svg and Skia Supported

@wuba/react-native-echart supports two rendering modes: Svg and Skia. It is implemented based on react-native-svg and react-native-skia. How do you choose between the two rendering modes? From the perspective of rendering speed, Svg and Skia have similar performance, as shown in the following figure. However, it's important to note that Skia rendering has some limitations in terms of Chinese language support. To display Chinese characters correctly, you need to set up fonts separately. Therefore, when choosing a rendering library, please consider the language requirements of your project and the importance of Chinese language support. We recommend selecting the appropriate rendering mode based on specific circumstances to achieve optimal performance and user experience.

Support various gestures

Support for various gestures such as tapping, dragging, and scaling is available. By default, we use the built-in PanResponder from React Native to handle these gestures. Starting from version 1.1, we have added support for the react-native-gesture-handler library. If you have already integrated this gesture library into your project, we recommend using it directly to handle gestures for enhanced performance and user experience.

Below is a comparison of the two gesture solutions. Judging from the smoothness of chart scrolling, both the default gesture handling and the use of react-native-gesture-handler provide excellent fluidity. You can choose the approach that best suits your needs.

Web Support

We also support reusing the components of @wuba/react-native-echart in the web environment to meet cross-platform requirements and achieve code sharing across multiple platforms. This enables easy code unification, ensures consistency of charts across different platforms, and enhances our development efficiency.

ECharts, the charting library, provides a wide range of online rendering examples for the web. But how well does it perform on React Native? To address this, we offer corresponding online preview and testing support. You can directly copy the chart configuration to see how it renders on React Native. Online preview click here


Despite our already extensive and well-rounded support for ECharts, we are committed to further optimizing and enhancing it. In our upcoming work, we will focus on improvements and enhancements in the following areas to deliver even more refined functionality. Click here to see more detailed information and progress updates.

Performance Enhancement

Compared to the rendering solution using Webview, @wuba/react-native-echart has achieved significant improvements in overall rendering performance. However, there is still room for further improvement in rendering speed and memory usage when dealing with large data sets. We are committed to optimizing performance in handling large data sets to ensure exceptional performance and stability in various complex data scenarios.

Known Issue Fixes

Currently, the support for the ECharts charting library is very comprehensive. However, there are still some issues that need to be improved in some chart rendering, such as not supporting map display and incorrect image display in Skia rendering mode. We take these issues very seriously and will continue to work on fixing them. to provide a better chart presentation experience.

ECharts GL Supported

With the widespread application of 3D visualization in various business scenarios, such as the displayed 3D chart below, we will continue to explore and enhance our support for ECharts GL to meet more business needs. You can click here to check the latest progress.

Improve the Infrastructure

In the future, we will continue to improve the infrastructure by refining test cases, adding user use cases and other content. Standardized test cases can check whether any changes made during the development process have an impact on other functions. We will gradually add more test cases, standardize the code and improve the quality of the code.


We are deeply grateful to all our friends in the @wuba/react-native-echarts open-source community. Whether you have contributed to the codebase, provided bug reports along with contextual information, or shared ideas to enhance existing features, your contributions have been incredibly valuable to this project. We wholeheartedly welcome you to join us and actively participate in the project's discussions and collaborative development.

Lastly, we would like to express our special thanks to the developers who have contributed to the project's success:

· 6 min read
Zhiqing Chen

We're excited to announce that the official website for React Native Echarts has launched.!

We're constantly updating the site to provide you with the latest information about our project. On the website, you will find the complete documentation, edit demos online, and view solutions to common issues and other related information.

New Logo & Design

We've designed a logo that reflects our project's key features: efficiency, simplicity, and technology. The logo is based on a polar coordinate bar chart and has been transformed into a modern and technological style.

Hope you like it!

· 10 min read

The most used chart library for writing chart-related requirements is echarts. The performance of echarts on the website is quite mature, and the official solution is provided for the applet side, but there is no corresponding support in RN. On the market, most of the search is still based on the essence of the webview implementation, and I prefer the RN-based program, after all, the native experience will be better than the Web.

Later found @wuba/react-native-echarts to meet the needs, so try it out, the results are excellent. For those interested in the principle of implementation, click here

· One min read
Zhiqing Chen

Welcome to react-native-echarts!